Sunday, February 19, 2012

Never Realised

never realised what maturity is , what it means that life goes on. why the threads of life are always embedded with celebrations and celebrations with songs n food .Never realised that life is not a fullstop ; its not a single book with a fixed storyline and lifetime - it never ends......Never realised -what love means, how strong are the ties of trust and human bondings, what drives our decisions , our choices and our ambitions .I so much love the life I have been given -protected
cared and loved by y family and friends.Wherever I go -its with a notion, I am safe , when loved , I am wanted.
Not alone to face any harsh cruel world out there, there is my mom-with the best delicious dishes for me-the moment I step inthe house. My father with his little fond smile at me-that makes me feel blessed .How much I can thank u my lord.
My sisters -the best pals I can cry my heart out on any and everything and my little bro to whom I can act like Hitler yet he will listen to me.How much I love my friends teasing and pampering .Isn't it funny I would ever want to be serious in life? what for? Hey whenever I see a tragedy in books or movies -I cry my heart out, I cant imagine living in that circumstances.Yet something matures in me, in thoughts and understanding. When it comes to a full life- I do wanna see the beautiful celebrations that people can jot their life with .The fond memories and chit-chats.There's much more to the life and the world than what one can ever love,Yet u come to love so many facets.The question of belongingness, of homeland,of places u lived and grew up. There's no common rule , there's no common standards -its all so customized -mixed with the signs of lord -n some miraculous notions- that lend the meaning and change and colors to human life.Different countries different cultures , different viewpoint-yet its
this instant that's all so  beautiful. Maybe I can capture the essence of this moment on reflect on as the experience worth remembering.

U'll never get what u imagine-yet somehow whatever u'll be in-will be just right, filling the missing links and leadingto an end only one of a kind.

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