Saturday, February 18, 2012

Comprehend the degrees of freedom.....!!

its a wait for normal spaces to be copied in multiple forms for multiple heads
a day before exam
its a huge queue chasing the bus running from the stop
its the designs of huge networks with a chalk n a board
its the concepts just fitting in the form just perfectly
like a piece n bits falling to fit in
n it shud make ur nerve more strong
with each passing day , with each encompassing/engrossing thought
remember the days when u just wanted to feel great
like a new idea and understanding
recollect the yearn to read n marvel
remmeber the crave to feel the shell - break it to peices
n live a day of freedom of work, of ur wish
do u remember me
n now walking at the sidewalks - with the giants n concepts
so many things ot learn n fathom
n beautifully understand the varied forms
why this rush to put it restrictedly , manipulatingly
bygone are the crazy days- learn the free spirit
of reason of logic
read with an insight
making the foundations of rome
strong n huge to the core
like the incessant work on some art form
relish the learning as it flows
like a wonder in eyes n mind at work
like a genuine thought twirling and shaping in the nerves
the nerves being strengthened with each second
thanku IIT for whatever u are - n to make me whatever I want
comprehending the degrees of freedom - is now the charm -
lemme tread in depths n search the gems.........!!!

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