Sunday, February 19, 2012


isn't it a mockery -the dual aspects of each term
whatever u say - i can justify
so whatever u say -u are always right
the world is beauty n a beast
joy is temporary n eternal
faith is objective yet subjective
relativity holds all over
black clouds are respite n coming storm
sun is light and burner
God is the only truth n the truth of world
Dualism is the key to all
surprises,remorse ,passion,hatred
genius,madness,virtue n vice , enamored or scoff
are all dubious , a foul cry
a song of jubilation , a restless appeal
all are dual -with dual basis
not complementary neither orthogonal
momentary and eternal - all are relative
cause ,effect and divine interventions or ways
volubility and silence
motion and rest
perception and revelations
good and bad
dualism to its core !!

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