Thursday, August 15, 2013

God's Delays are not God's denial

This is the source of the title of the post. Rahul Dravid's Speech at BITS Goa on its Golden Jubilee Convocation. Reading it somehow presents a picture of humility and appreciation and fascination in eyes at, 'how a genuine person can inspire millions for life'. Its one such statement which I and all others who might have heard/read it took from it "God's delays are not God's denial".

What does it makes you think of? Quick- ya the time you felt God is not just, the time which tested you to the extent that "you declared - I don't believe on existence of God" or maybe that 'God is testing me'. You remember the days? I do, though somehow its the best and most humbling experience I ever remember having. These instances are what makes you so much better person eventually, mature if you wanna say it that way, which you realize way later in life. The more I read that speech the more what 'being human' means, reflected in front of me.

Yes he is a legend. And He is a human, a very genuine and true one. I hope everyone gets to read it once and inspire people for being a better self, with simply being one's own self. And persistence of course. No fake concepts of timeline, deadline, Goals... 'do or die' .. just a recognition of what you love and the perseverance to do better at it and the patience to let things happen at there own pace. Later when you look back in life, you should feel amazing to have led the life doing what ' you always loved' . Wow.. truly inspiring speech indeed!!

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