Wednesday, April 24, 2013


All my musings is me caught in other's shoes, trying to fit in and see where it hurts the most. How will I manage to walk with all the obstacle on the way. How and why I make the choices I would make, will I make the same choices again or will I be any different or the same. What will go behind the scene's in my mind, what will be the real self behind the image in real.

Is the beggar on street, roaming unaware, here and there, is that in real self?  Is that haughty tough girl, in the top notch position, really that tough? Is she the bitch she is made out to be, what n why's of each of her decisions, her struggle's, her turmoil, her coming in terms with life and yet a consistent struggle. That girl bearing the unworkable marriage for society's sake, is really a coward with nowhere to go or she is redefining love, in her own unique way, offering her as sacrifice if yes than how does it feels to take the derision and mistrust and beatings from the being you have dedicated yourself for. Why that girl with extreme humanity is caught up with a beast or what about that man, is he really an incarnation of beast? What goes in his mind each time he abuses his wife, what's behind when he cheats and laments.

What is it with life that makes it so very different, unpredictable and incomprehensible. Everyone lives a tale, the depth of which is unapparent and never be fully fathomed. I try to go behind each such life, his thoughts and each such mind  and get to the how's n why's of that life. Measure each fear, shed every tear and bear every burden which comes with the choices of that person and then writing it I feel above the measures of society, above any criticism and paths than it seems its the best that could ever be. It is simply unexplainable that makes me write. Its in a way is to come to terms with this life .

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