Monday, September 3, 2012

Maturity... is it?

I will never understand this term called maturity. No I mean how mean, how cunning , how heartless you need to be to be mature...or wait lemme correct down to earth, how least expectant and how most giving and forgiving leads you to maturity...either way the truth resides..but maturity evades me. But as an observer I have seen myself failing on various fronts and wishing if only I was more mature..while the action of instant/instinct guides the way still. I have seen few real gentlemen/elegant ladies in my life.. they all inspired me to be be be of the kind.. they are the real difference makers...they don't live to earn, earn to buy, buy to please, please to
exist. But they have something in them.. a substance which needs no fancy things, no 8 digit salaries.. its in their being.. their existence is priceless...
If maturity is being of the type.. I wish to be mature... !!!

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