Is it relishing whatever god has given to u. Is it being patient against ur sense of getting it all too easily.Is it throwing all the burden of right or wrong on others shoulders..........
Is it knowing that u r the one caught unaware, amongst some silly Ideas or vanity or interests of other one. Yet being unconcerned to it .Is it the way of life or is it being in the vicious loop of achievements to find contentment as its end product?? Does some unrequired overboardness of one need to be tolerated to avoid negative incidences , not too cherishable or memorable one’s?? Is it a consistent compromise to find a moderate way out?? If not, then whats the way out ?? Is it to shout out loud as we often find helpless people doing in hope that maybe their voice makes someone assist them?? With the pertinent hope that next time their grey cells will make them aware against such extreme measures by the intensity of your voice....Else the story will go on repeating. With you as the persistent victim of uncontentment ...
Now "victim" is the word which makes me go wild.I can never allow me be the state it refers to......I can be extreme, I can be bad, I can be mad, I can be little bit too much -I wont mind.......But please, being a victim is out of question, out of choice for me.Yet this is what i feel when i know i'm at the receiving end of others silly obsessions n notions...with none of any inherent flaws of mine. Now now.. Then whats the way out ??...Whats the life and its fundamentals then?? I go on with all the unintelligent acts as this instant I donno whats right or wrong. And seek out ways I cud have followed, to avert that fate. And that extreme self impositions makes me unsure if I had ever been right at the first place... Now now if I say it so-that I had been right, it may be because we see one side of the story as per our convienience...May be there are viewpoints and faces unseen. But how does it entitles anyone to mistreat me. How does it justifies the life's take on me?? We all hope for a path exactly correct which implies that we always being in the luxuries department of it. Never ever facing any tide, never been challenged on the issue of our humanity.And all the bla bla we consider as ingredients of ideality......To put it in short -just being at ease.....always , anyway n any place.......
Why does approval of others becomes a must to assign value to our worth?? Why does it ever matters what others say? When was it that our wishes needed to be suppresed for fear of comments?? Why sometimes events make people go wild, to the extent that all beauty of life is lost. Then i donno what is it-thats required and i loose all sense or so called "senses"......
There's nothing big enough; all is too minor ..too little...too immaterial to make fuss off. This all is nothing then what cruelties life offers to some on their platter by no mistake of them. Its then that this craze seems too immature. And we know we are long way to go....before acceptance. Before being able to be a tool to do better in this world. Its none of it. I know its pretty tough,.as life is a comedy in its way of progressing. Though its not over a span of time. When what remains is just a big void......with scars and nothing else but just the feel of its pain then its too hard to be this objective to origins and end. But what remains is a sheer hope and a belief that if there’s someone who knows the truth may it consistenly help us.............
hmm....well..kya ho gaya tha bahiya tere sath aisa....that this piece of work emerged...
ReplyDeletebut jo bhi hai....its wll written..i mean..gr8 understanding of notions..beliefs..happenings..n then wrapping them in words..i admire d questions asked in this piece..n also d depth of understanding...gud work..
this is an abstract search for the uncontended days and events seen recently . with no way out , its all way in to the concept of whats exactly contentment is...in the backdrop of few terrible events seen..........