Well today i wanna write something which always entertains me, at my leisure ........
whenver i'm in light mood n sit n reflect back at d days i have lived ( to put it better- made others see.....lol (no wrong meanings........)
Just dat i put so many hits in such a short notice dat i often marvel at ma stupidity.
that i decided to write it down n make all smile ( dat yes, indeed dere's a bigger hit maker in dis world..............) though d no. of hits is too large i select out just d top notch one's n jot it down.......
once in my college class......after 45 min. had passed of the subject EMFT, i could no longer bear and asked my faculty "sir , what are we trying to study??".........
n ofcourse that was the most hillarious and talked of moment..i still cherish to have lived upto.....
Once in ma school assembly prayer I forgot to bring news for that day, so my house teacher ( hindi teacher) handed me a paper slip just before d annoucement of news , i unfolded it n started reading it out , try'g my level best to comprehend d uncomprehendabla writing..........
n thanks to my tongue of slip. The news I read is........
" Aaj Damoh(dats d place i was in) mein garaj ke saath .....choole girengey.......>"
Yes thats true , its the news I read.......then whole day long little little children kept coming to my class n ask Di really today choleen will fall, we do hav parathaas with us (grins included)........lol
Keeping up wid my tongue of slip .....once i consistenly read mulayam as "mulyalam" in again a special report or smthg in assembly.......to the displeasure of my teacher's and extreme interest and fancy of my friends .
Then I had a silly habit of being scared all of a sudden of any teacher , three teachers have made me see nightmares n guess who is my saviour in those horrible dreams when they are after me like a lion after its prey , or when they are at my home to whatever I fear they can tell my parents or scold me. nopes its not my parents ......my saviour is always my eldest sis with whom I used to fight so much that I dont think she would have liked the of saving me......(even in dreams)...........
Once I wrote a poem , enforced by my teacher, for our school magazine....a pure tapoo one n really really pathetic.....n lo!!! it was not only printed in the magazine but also spoken out in assembly by a small kid n unfortunately along with the writer's name.... :D ( seems like there's no escape........n i do agree world n life is too short.........)
Being a small sister of "honhaar" elder sister , made me a consistent targets of remarks n I alwayS searched for a seat to hide especially, If the teacher concerned has taught ny of my sis but again I'm default target (everyone easily spots) n only i know how it is "to know the outcome long before, fear it, pray its unhappening" then see all your fears turn true........
When i was in nursery or such standard i remember dreading the results (now i often wonder how could i have understand that there's something called result to be dreaded off..........) god knows ........but yo i was 3rd in that class widout even a slight recollection of a single event of that level.........when the only thing i did was playing with a imaginery friend whom i addressed pinki and my teachers showered me with toffees , amused by the keen imagination of a 3 year old and persistent dwelling to the extent of living it .......
now i do wanna know what they thought of my imaginary friends.............:)