what is the meaning of good or bad.?Its when I start thinking this –I get a shudder because what I can tell is -whether this is good Or this is bad but what they mean? Well we may come up with so many explanations but still we will move nowhere. Since these concepts were not built by nature like we can say this is the symptoms of gud and this of bad ….but it’s a product of series of learning in our formative years as influenced by our society ,guided by our social roots and what we learnt through our Experience of life.
This is why Once slavery was a good practice for Britain & other mighty powers.
,wars 2 extend kingdom was once the most glorified thing on earth;once entire nation existed just by the will of the king and the only task they were living for -- was to serve the royal family and Inheritance decided the next ruler not ability;before French revolution , freedom of speech was a sin-- for which great people like Copernicus were executed; equality of women was once the wildest thought on earth for so many years and that is why once kings had 100s of wives without any human rights violation.
Infact there are 1000’s of such example which were once the practice and now. we
can’t even think of justifying them, on any grounds . This further complicates our
notion of gud or bad.So let me just put it as per the thoughts -- gud is something which is desirable for progress of society and bad is anything undesirable. Having said so we are again trapped since entire concept is dependent on society ,its language and its setup.
So its sure that today what is clearcut good may not preserve its identity .As good in future is the collective thought of that of the generation concerned.To classify it in any of these two broad categories.
Some of may say that killing people ,terrorist activities, crimes and n number of other such acts are always bad irrespective of your Or mine opinion in that. Ya no doubt they are bad today but still it’s the collective thinking of the society which decides things as gud or bad --nothing is obviously so for long.
As half of the world survives on animal food, yes killing of living organisms for their own survival and mind it -don’t dare call it sin or bad, for otherwise there will be starvation and what not.?? So still killing is a preferential gud or bad act based on who ur target is….Osama Bin Laden or any president….
We always see the things through a filter of our mindset and our perspective and any other viewpoint is always strange and weird for us.We all know in nomadic days survival was the synonym of killing. When one nomadic tribe killed all people of some other ,it was celebrated as a great victory ,physically challenged People were once killed just after birth (as per the conditions of those days they wud be a burden 4 d entire community).
What do u think they were fooling themselves???? That it was bad still a reason 4 their celebration .why to visualize history when all the burning controversial issues of today- War on Iraq and Afganistan, Mercy Killing, Nuclear Technology, Space Explorations, Love marriage- Arrange marriage, Live in relationships, Genetic Modifications, Joint or Nuclear families, Gender transformations ,Late night parties and other such issues ….u cant classify them in d two since whatever logic u give for the side u take …half of the world thinks and practices otherwise . So its best to leave it to their own personal convictions
I wonder when till date girl child is killed in foetus stage, I wonder when I see the images of women of Afganistan doing all the job still living a life which 4 me is next to hell, I wonder when people in the name of fashion do weird things . But then I reconcile myself by telling maybe its good for them but it can never be for me
In the same way as no matter what medical science, polls, people or reports say karela ,Economics is always Bad 4 me while fast foods , maths and net surfing is very good for me. Infact any system u take , any viewpoint u make, U’ll always find opinions just contrary to that .So why is this so ?friends this is all because of differences in the thought of the Societies and people why the same thing can be good or bad .so no longer be trapped in long doubts of good or bad just think if it will make everyone happy in long run will they appreciate it and decide .